How to Build Muscle Fast with 5 User-tested Supplements
October 11, 2021

If you want to build muscle fast you’ll find yourself going much further, much more quickly if you pick natural supplements which are specifically formulated to help maximize your gains.
Why supplement?
Supplementation can give you that leading edge you won’t get through good diet and exercise alone.
There are thousands of different muscle building supplements out there, all promising to bulk you up and get you the gains you’re dreaming of. But how do you know which supplements will really support your muscle-building efforts? We spoke to our mega-sized athletes to get the scoop on which supplements really help them get swole.
5 Key supplements our CrazyBulk athletes swear by:
1 Whey Protein Powder
All protein powders are super convenient to add to your diet plan when you’re training hard. But whey outshines a lot of the others because of its high biological value (which means it digests really well, really quickly in your system). This makes it a great addition to your post-workout shake because protein is important to repair any torn muscle fibers.
You’re best off mixing up a shake that contains at least a 2-to-1 ratio of carbs to protein. The carbs are used for restoring glycogen, while the protein kickstarts the muscle recovery process. You can also pack some whey into your smoothies to sneak some extra protein in there. Try blending up some vanilla almond milk, banana, a scoop of whey protein, honey and a handful of blueberries for a truly tasty post-workout treat.
2 Maca
Over time, your body starts to break down when you put it through vigorous workouts. This can end up causing adrenal fatigue, which is where your adrenal glands don’t produce enough of your essential hormones, like testosterone and growth hormone. When you suffer from adrenal fatigue, it can really sap your energy levels and ruin your training. Luckily, maca can help.
Maca is a root that is manufactured into a powder or liquid. The main purpose of this supplement is to promote adrenal function. By taking it, your t-levels and growth hormone levels will be up to par and you’ll build muscle faster.
As an added benefit, maca helps speed up recoveries, increase energy levels, heighten brain function and boost your sex drive.
3 Glutamine
In the world of muscle building, the rate at which you recover is equally as important as the amount of weight you bench press. You actually build muscle when you are in recovery mode. So why wouldn’t you want to take full advantage of that?
The best way to do this is by including glutamine in your regimen. This white powder helps speed up your recovery, and as an added benefit, it also promotes intestinal health and boosts immunity. By having a short recovery time, healthy gut and a good immune system.
4 Trenorol
Nitrogen is a substrate responsible for the production of protein. Trenorol is a supplement that helps retain nitrogen in your system, which bodes well for muscle building.
Additionally, it aids faster fat burning and it can help you power through workouts with more strength because it delivers a high amount of oxygen to your muscles.
The best way to use this is by taking it 45 minutes before your workout, preferably on an empty stomach. The recommended dose is 3 capsules.
5 HGH-X2
The pituitary gland sits right dead smack in the middle of your forehead. Its main function is to pump out human growth hormone, or HGH for short. The supplement HGH-X2 expedites the rate at which your pituitary gland produces growth hormone, thus giving you more strength to crank out heavy reps.
As an added bonus, HGH-X2 helps you burn fat faster and recover from tough workouts.
It’s recommended to take this supplement 20 minutes before you eat breakfast. The recommended dose is 2 capsules.
One last thing
Yes, this is supposed to be 5 supplements to build muscle fast, but it’s your lucky day. There’s one thing you should also include in your diet which won’t seem like a chore – good old chocolate milk. Why? Because it helps replenish electrolytes and has a perfect balance of protein, carbs and fat. This is all important, especially if you’re sweating and working out at a high intensity.
In fact, why not treat yourself to a post-workout smoothie made with chocolate milk, glutamine and whey protein all combined together? You won’t regret it.
Check these additional tips for fast muscle buildng >>
Use supplements, BUILD muscle
Now you know how to build muscle fast with supplements, plus you learned how to use chocolate milk to your advantage. There’s nothing left for you to do except go and get swole. Just be sure to never abuse the supplements you take. Follow the directions and if you’re unsure which supplements are safe to combine, consider buying one of our natural bulking stacks to get you started.