Oxandrolone Bodybuilding Cycle, Dosage, & Side Effects
September 14, 2021

Table of Contents:
· What is Oxandrolone?
· The History and Science Behind Oxandrolone
· Oxandrolone in Bodybuilding
· Anavar vs Oxandrolone Tablets
· Dosages, Stacks and Cycles for Oxandrolone
· Oxandrolone Results
· The Risks and Side Effects
· What Alternatives Are Available?
· Conclusion
Oxandrolone Bodybuilding Cycle, Dosage, & Side Effects
If you’ve been doing your homework on steroids for muscle growth, we would put money on the fact that you’ve come across Oxandrolone.
What is Oxandrolone?
This man-made steroid is a synthetic analog of testosterone. This means it is based on testosterone, but it’s been engineered to provide a higher anabolic to lower androgenic ratio. What the hell does that mean?
Anabolic refers to muscle tissue growth while androgenic is used to talk about male development characteristics. Think deep voice, facial hair, and a love for the UFC. In other words, Oxandrolone has become so damn popular because it’s said to promote more muscle with fewer worries about putting stress and strain on your organs.
Is that the case? Truth be told, Oxandrolone might provide great results, but the side effects just aren’t worth rolling the dice. Let’s take a look at this steroid’s history, how it works, Oxandrolone dosages, Oxandrolone side effects, and a safe and natural alternative to Oxandrolone.
The History and Science Behind Oxandrolone
Oxandrolone has a decent and well-meaning history. Doctors saw how some diseases such as hepatitis and Turner syndrome were wreaking havoc on people’s bodies, reducing them to skin and bones. They wanted a way to treat these catabolic diseases while sparing their patients the loss of muscle tissue. This is how Oxandrolone was born.
Initially, Oxandrolone was used to help preserve muscle mass against catabolic processes, but researchers eventually discovered that it was a great way to regain weight post-surgery, following a traumatic injury, or after a stubborn infection.
The two primary mechanisms behind Oxandrolone are its ability to increase an anabolic or muscle growth environment while promoting nitrogen retention, specifically in the muscle tissue. It’s certainly not a bad thing that Oxandrolone can help to restore or increase your appetite as well.
All this sounds great, but have any studies been performed on this man-made steroid? Definitely.
In one study of young men, researchers wanted to see if Oxandrolone was able to increase net protein synthesis and the transportation of muscle building amino acids across the tissue. The team confirmed that the short-term dose of only five days was enough to significantly increase protein synthesis and amino acid transportation, both of which are essential processes in muscle building.
In another study involving older men, similar results were found with subjects displaying increased levels of protein synthesis, lean muscle tissue, and fat loss. The catch is that the majority of their muscle gains were lost 12 weeks after discontinuing Oxandrolone, but they did manage to stay lean and relatively fat-free.
Although it was never designed for the purpose of giving you a brain boost, recent studies are suggesting that Oxandrolone might be able to help you flex your mental muscle. In one study, researchers found that Oxandrolone was able to restore and increase levels of myelin, the brain’s layer of protection on its electrical superhighway of cellular messengers. In other words, great news for brain cells.
Oxandrolone in Bodybuilding
Let’s see: Oxandrolone was found to protect muscle mass against some diabolic diseases, it promoted muscle growth, and it had a high success rate. Is it any wonder that it wound up in the bodybuilding world?
It wasn’t long after Oxandrolone hit the medical market that it began showing up in gyms across the United States in the 1980s. Given its low androgenic properties and high anabolic benefits, it was a popular choice for those with their eyes on the stage.
Despite becoming a popular muscle-building choice around forty years ago, Oxandrolone is still one of the go-to illegal steroids. With the wonders of a simple internet search, it’s become easier than ever to find Oxandrolone for sale to support your bodybuilding dreams, but there’s a huge catch: most forms of online Oxandrolone are not medical grade and carry the potential for a bad reaction.
Anavar vs. Oxandrolone Tablets
Speaking of finding illegal steroids online, one of the most popular phrases typed into Google is “Anavar vs. Oxandrolone.” The irony here is that Anavar is just a brand name for Oxandrolone.
Put it this way: Oxandrolone is the scientific name or the name that’s harder to pronounce. If you want to sell medications, even steroids, you need something that sounds sexier. Introducing Anavar. See how much easier that is to say?
But is there a difference between the two? Maybe a small one, depending on whether you get the generic, Oxandrolone or the brand name, Anavar. Oxandrolone is identical to Anavar on a formula level, but you’ll notice a difference in the appearance of the tablets and the dosage of each one.
Dosages, Stacks and Cycles for Oxandrolone
Speaking of dosages, what is a proper Oxandrolone dosage? Here are the commonly used dosages, stacks, and cycles for Oxandrolone, but we don’t recommend them. Why? These substances and stacks pose huge health risks, not to mention jail time.
Oxandrolone Dosage:
Depending on user experience, bodyweight, and goals, dosage levels will vary:
· Men: 30 mg to 80 mg per day
· Women: 5 mg to 15 mg per day
We’ve seen dosages as high as 100 mg per day for men and 20 mg per day for women, but it’s not very common. The higher the dose, the more likely you’ll run into side effects and health issues.
Oxandrolone has a half-life of 8 to 10 hours so the daily dosage should be split between two servings. For example, if you are taking 30 mg per day, you’ll take 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the evening.
Oxandrolone Cycle
A typical Oxandrolone cycle will run six weeks, and this will be followed by post-cycle therapy, a supplement that is used to reverse liver damage and kickstart suppressed testosterone. Keep in mind that even the best post-cycle therapy supplements (PCTs) don’t always work to undo the damage.
Oxandrolone Stacks
There are two commonly practiced Oxandrolone stacks: Testosterone Enanthate and Winstrol:
Oxandrolone and Testosterone Enanthate:
Week 1:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Week 2:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Week 3:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Week 4:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Week 5:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Week 6:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Testosterone Enanthate: 300 mg
Oxandrolone and Winstrol:
Week 1:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Week 2:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Week 3:
· Oxandrolone:
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Week 4:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Week 5:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Week 6:
· Oxandrolone: 30 mg
· Winstrol: 50 mg
Oxandrolone Results
Real Oxandrolone – the medical-grade stuff – isn’t cheap. It requires time and effort to get your hands on. And it can pack a hell of a punch to your liver and other organs. So…is it worth it? There are three primary areas that Oxandrolone users cite as the spots where they see the most dramatic gains:
Muscle Growth: This is a given. Oxandrolone was created specifically to protect muscle from breakdown while encouraging the body to pack on more of it. The number one reason people take Oxandrolone (Anavar) is to see bigger muscles.
Dry Gains: Oxandrolone is also popular during cutting season because at lower dosages, it’s said to promote size without the bulky or bloated look.
Fat Loss: Continuing with the point above, another reason that Oxandrolone is taken during cutting season is because of its ability to promote fat loss. As we discussed in the study above, older male subjects lost weight and kept it off following the use of Oxandrolone.
The Risks and Side Effects
Like all anabolic steroids, there is a price that your body is going to pay when you take Oxandrolone; even more so if you abuse it. The most common Oxandrolone side effects may include the following:
· Acne
· Loss of libido
· Gyno or man boobs
· Aggression or over-excitement
· Insomnia
· Testosterone suppression
· Changes your cholesterol, increasing your risk for cardiovascular issues such as a heart attack
Read more about Anavar side effects that you’ll want to avoid.
What Alternatives Are Available?
One of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of Anavar (Oxandrolone) without risking liver strain or unpleasant side effects is with Anvarol.
Anvarol is a completely legal and natural alternative to Oxandrolone (Anavar) that has been developed to help you maximize your lean cut gains, making it a must for either bulking or shredding season.
Suitable for both men and women, Anvarol helps you on three levels:
Strength Boost: Anvarol contains Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate Disodium, which is the preferred fuel source of muscle tissue during bodybuilding workouts.
Muscle Building: Anvarol contains soy protein, whey protein, and a 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs, the literal building blocks of muscle tissue.
Fat Burning: Yam extract has been in the spotlight for helping to promote a healthy weight, proper digestion, and increase cardiovascular health.
If muscle mass is your goal, it’s going to be tempting to try Oxandrolone, since it was literally made for muscle. However, don’t romanticize this illegal steroid; it’s a medication for people who are ill.
The reality is you aren’t likely to find medical-grade Oxandrolone on the street. If you do, you’ll be spending hard-earned money on a number of potential side effects including liver damage. All this for a few pounds of extra muscle.
Get the best of everything; save your money, get bigger mass, and spare your liver with Anvarol.
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