Low Testosterone in Men: Fix Your Low T-levels in Less than a Month
September 14, 2021

These days, even young, fit men are becoming increasingly aware of the need to keep their testosterone levels high, whether they’re experiencing symptoms of having low t-levels or not. But what about those who actually do have low testosterone?
This all-important boost then becomes even more critical. Most men want to fix this without taking pills which cause side effects or complications. If you fall into this category, there are several things you can do to set your testosterone back on the right track inside a month.
It’s true, low testosterone levels aren’t something you can completely reverse overnight. It takes a dedicated approach over the course of time. But with commitment, you really can begin to see positive changes in just 4 weeks or less.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone – produced naturally in the testes, which are located in your hangdowns. The actual physiological process is actually quite fascinating.
You have a gland called the hypothalamus, which instructs the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These are known as gonadotropic substances. Now you know where the term “gonads” comes from.
Once LH is released, it, in turn, stimulates your testes to boost your testosterone levels. But here’s where it starts to get a little tricky. Once testosterone is released, only 2% of it is utilized by your body.
The rest attaches to another substance called sexual binding hormone globulin, or SBHG, for short. The amount that is not bound is called free testosterone because it is “free” to do its thing.
The good news is, testosterone is so powerful that you only need this little bit of free testosterone to get benefit from it.
What Does Testosterone Do?
Testosterone is highly regarded as the male-dominant hormone. Along with that comes a pretty heavy daily workload. First and foremost, it’s the hormone that gives you juice when you’re working out. Simply put, it helps you build and maintain muscle, and it also gives you energy.
Outside the gym walls, it’s essential for sex drive and achieving erections. Additionally, testosterone balances your mood, keeps your brain firing on all cylinders and supports male hair growth.
In essence, testosterone is the hormone which makes a man a man. Without sufficient testosterone, your body can quickly begin to undergo changes you probably won’t appreciate.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
The curveball crosses the plate when your t-levels become low. This comes with a number of symptoms that can range from mild to serious. But they all can have a major impact on your lifestyle. Especially when you’re trying to impress a chick at the gym.
And even more importantly, if you have impressed said chick at the gym and she wants to get it on with you at home, but your boy doesn’t want to stand to attention.
For your reference, here is a full list of symptoms that could indicate low testosterone in men:
- Fatigue
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle loss
- Irritability
- Weight gain, especially in the waistline
- The appearance of ‘moobs’
- Mood swings
- Loss of libido
- Brain fog and inability to concentrate
Be aware that these symptoms don’t just magically appear from out of left field either. They can take a while to develop.
Quiz: Do you Have Low Testosterone?
Does any of this sound like you?
If you no longer feel excited about things that once got your rocks off, you no longer crave sex or have a hard time getting wood, your t-levels might be low.
If you find yourself getting depressed very easily or more emotional than normal, you could have low testosterone levels.
If you’re struggling to do the physical things you once did due to feeling weak and lethargic, that could be low t-levels.
Gaining weight on your belly, or growing ‘moobs’ is another sign.
Then there are the less serious, but equally annoying side effects, such as struggling to grow a beard or even hair on your head. Yep, even this can be a sign of low testosterone levels.
Only a doctor will truly be able to tell you if your levels are off. If you suspect you may have a problem, book a blood test to find out once and for all. A normal testosterone level can range from as low as 270 to as high as 1,070 ng/dL. But here’s the rub…
Every man is different. And though your total testosterone levels might come back as ‘normal’, your free testosterone might not be. That’s the bioavailable testosterone that matters when it comes to avoiding the issues above. And there are things you can do to turn this around, which we’ll get to shortly.
What Causes Low Testosterone?
Ageing ranks high on the list of causes of low testosterone. Over the age of 40, your body just simply becomes less able to produce higher amounts. This is a natural part of the ageing process, but as we’re living for longer than ever, 40 – 50 years with low t-levels is a heck of a long time to suffer.
Your diet has something to do with it too. If you eat a lot of processed carbs and junk food, you can gain excess weight. This, in turn, affects your hormone levels overall, specifically causing t-levels to plummet.
Another common reason men’s testosterone levels begin to fall is due to their alcohol intake. Alcohol plays a big role not only in weight gain, but it also slows down your natural ability to release testosterone. Granted, this would be if you drank heavily or daily. Moderate amounts won’t have much of an effect.
Health problems
Certain medical conditions can also contribute towards low testosterone levels like cancer treatments, diabetes, injuries to the testicles and pituitary disease.
Get Your T-levels Back on Track in a Month
Like I mentioned earlier, you may not be able to get your t-levels completely back to normal in a month, but you sure can take strides to become well on your way towards that goal. And this all starts at the kitchen table.
Dietary changes
As you just learned, excessive weight can lower testosterone. But, if you shift your diet, you can melt away some of those pounds and give your t-levels a boost. Follow a diet that consists of whole foods that are as organic as possible to give your body the very best chance of absorbing all the nutrients it needs for optimum health.
In addition to this, there are certain foods you should add, and others you should eliminate. Foods that contain a high amount of fat and cholesterol actually help boost t-levels. Healthier options would include eggs, salmon, nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil.
Foods to avoid would be soy products, flax seeds, as well as anything that is highly refined or processed. Soy contains isoflavones and flax contains lignans, which both increase estrogen levels. When estrogen goes up, testosterone goes down.
Just remember to keep your calories regulated, because if you gain weight, that’ll also have a detrimental effect on your t-levels.
Hard-hitting exercise
Exercise can also play a vital role in boosting your levels. But not just any exercise. Make it intense. The higher the intensity, the more your body will try to compensate by releasing higher levels of testosterone. Plus, daily bouts of exercise can help you shed more weight, which can further increase your t-levels.
Squats, deadlifts, bench presses and sprints are all the order of the day if boosting t-levels is your aim.
Lastly, taking an all-natural supplement that contains key ingredients such as B vitamins, zinc and magnesium can really help you to boost the nutrients available for your body to use, and a healthy body is much more likely to have optimum t-levels.
Are you ready for higher t-levels?
The tips above work best when they’re all used in conjunction with each other. There’s no doubt about it – if you have the discipline required to stick to the plan, you can start turning the tables in your favor within a month. So what are you waiting for?